Multi Stakeholder Consultations

As per the mandate of ECHO, it will maintain and sustain itself as a regional forum for industry and formulate industry positions (policies) and recommendations on supply chain issues to improve seed sector performance in attaining Sustainable Development Goal 8. This is to bring cohesiveness and collective energy to the efforts against human rights violations in the hybrid seed supply chain. Further, considering the complexity and persistence of the issue, there is a need to ensure constant stakeholder engagement at various levels of advocacy, program implementation and stakeholder engagement (stakeholders at various levels - Farmers, children, parents of children, farm labour, labour agents, school teachers, government officials, NGOs, researchers, advocacy groups, seed companies, investors, seed industry associations, social audit agencies) as all these stakeholders have an equal role to play in the process and at every step of each process. Taking the views of all these stakeholders and developing an engagement and convergence model is key for the success of ECHO Forum being a multi-stakeholder platform and thus ECHO has been conducting multistakeholder consultations ever since its emergence and as evolved from CLEG and CCP over the period

Children should be in school, not on farms.