ECHO Regional committees

Enabling Child and Human Rights with Seed Organizations (ECHO) is established in 2019, through the cooperation of the Seed organizations with the aim of promoting ethical seed production supply chain practices, to enable decent work place standards and human rights protection in seed supply chain.
As seed supply chain operations are spread across different states, there is a necessity to formulate regional committees across major seed production locations duly involving local seed production representatives to drive various initiatives as mandated by ECHO Central office from time to time in alignment with ECHO vision, mission and objectives.
With this background, below regional committees are formulated spearheaded by Convener and Co-convener representing different seed companies:

Role of Convener and Co-convener:

  1. Convener is single point of contact for ECHO central office for respective regions to champion and drive local initiatives
  2. Motivate local company representatives to implement ECHO initiatives
  3. Communicate relevant information to all local stakeholders as shared by ECHO central office
  4. Document and share local events, trainings and identified local best practices
  5. Co- convener to support Convener in delivering different responsibilities

Broadly, the responsibilities of ECHO regional committees include:

  1. Organizing common events in key identified seed production locations
  2. Celebrate national and international days related to decent work such as Human Rights Day, World day against child labour day etc.,
  3. Conducting farmers, farm labour trainings on decent work standards in common production villages
  4. Facilitating trainings, research studies and audits as proposed by ECHO Executive committee
  5. Conducting regional ECHO meetings as guided by ECHO central office
  6. Identifying best practices around decent work place standards and sharing them
  7. Identifying community development/CSR project needs and to share for designing collaborative community projects
  8. Liaise as appropriate with local government bodies on decent work-related issues, government orders etc.,
  9. Engage in other activities that may be required to achieve the ECHO’s objectives.

Children should be in school, not on farms.