ECHO is a not for profit multi stakeholder membership association. It is politically neutral and it does not discriminate on any grounds. ECHO is a pre-competitive initiative, and does not act in any way that can be construed as limiting competition. The members of ECHO ("ECHO Members") abide by a strict antitrust policy.
Code of Practice
ECHO Members are expected to act with integrity and not join in any activity that could negatively impact the credibility of ECHO . This Code of Practice outlines areas in which internationally recognised best practice is expected. The ECHO Governing body reserves the right to define best practice in case of dispute. Not acting in accordance with this code may lead to the termination of membership in accordance with the ECHO Bi-laws and Memorandum of Understanding and ECHO Terms of Membership.
Commitment and Conduct
ECHO Members are committed to the mission of ECHO Forum which is to achieve `sustainable seed supply chain through the protection of human rights and ensuring decent work place standards They support ECHO in their communication, are transparent in all their dealings, and collaborate with ECHO and its key stakeholders. They provide truthful and accurate input to the organization and participate in its governance to improve how ECHO works.
Decent Work and Human Rights
ECHO Members uphold internationally recognised standards with respect to decent work and human rights (incl. the eight fundamental ILO conventions relating to principles. ECHO members affirms the obligations and commitments specified in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work , adopted in 1998 and amended in 2022, namely:
1. freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; 2. the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; 3. the effective abolition of child labour; 4. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation; and 5. a safe and healthy working environment.
Credibility and Reputation
These are universal principles that ECHO has established for the credibility and wellbeing of its membership community, and to protect the reputation of the association and its members. Above and beyond these principles, if the ECHO Governing body deems that a particular entity, for whatever reason, poses a risk to credibility and/or reputation, ECHO reserves the right to protect the reputation of the association for purposes of supporting its mission.
ECHO is a multi-stakeholder initiative that promotes collaboration. ECHO and its members welcome constructive feedback and aspire to be innovative. Members actively share their knowledge and expertise with ECHO and other members.

Children should be in school, not on farms.