No Child Labour

For decades, deep-rooted socioeconomic problems like child labour and minimum wages, have been prevalent in the hybrid seed production industry across the country. Several NGOs and research professionals have, over time, presented their studies on child labor and minimum wages in hybrid seed production at various fora advocating the need for effective solutions. To establish common standards across industries, ECHO forum was created that would come up with approaches in joint consultation and address various social compliance issues. The ECHO forum was established after two years of deliberations with a clearly defined mission and to chalk out possible solutions related decent work standards such as child labour and minimum wages. ECHO engage with stakeholders to create awareness, develop an auditing mechanism to review the work of the companies towards human rights in their supply chain. ECHO also enable farmers by facilitating sustainable solutions on child rights and other decent work issues through its members of national and multinational seed companies, NGOs, and research institutes.
With regard to child labour, ECHO has been playing an instrumental role in developing awareness and audit tools, ICT and campaign materials, customised models related to stakeholder (farmers and farm labour) engagement

Children should be in school, not on farms.